Flying Ants Vs. Termites

Nov 18, 2017

As a homeowner, you know how important it is to keep pests out of your home. When a pest infestation occurs, it can result in serious damage, and may even put your health at risk.

While there are any number of pests that can make their way into your home, two of the most common are flying ants and termites. However, because these insects are so close in appearance, it can sometimes be hard to know which type of aggravating bug has infiltrated your property. Here are a few of the main differences between flying ants vs. termites that will help you determine which pest is in your home and how best to respond.

Differences in Appearance

To the untrained eye, flying ants and termites appear very similar. However, by looking for a few tell-tale characteristics, you should be able to tell if you have flying ants or termites plaguing your home.

The easiest way to tell the difference between ants and termites is to look at their antennae. The antenna of a termite will be straight, while a flying ant’s antenna will be elbowed. These two insects also have different body shapes. Where the flying ant will have a pinched waist, the body of the termite is wide and without a waist.

The wings of these pests also differ in appearance. A flying ant has two sets of wings, one larger and one smaller, and they will have a brown tint. Termites also have two sets of wings, but they are the same size and are clear in color.

Where Flying Ants and Termites Live

You can also decide whether your home has ants or termites by detecting the source of the infestation. Finding out where your pest problem is coming from should also help you identify the insects in your home.

Flying ants and termites can both be found in large colonies. With termites, this will usually be in tree stumps, decaying trees, and structures. You should be able to identify a termite colony based on the damage caused to the wood. Certain types of ants, such as carpenter ants, may also build their colonies in wooden structures, but they will not cause the extensive damage done by termites.

Food Source

If you’re still having trouble telling the difference between flying ants vs. termites, it’s a good idea to learn a little about what type of food each insect prefers.

Termites, as you probably know, feed on paper and wood, which is why they are such a huge risk to homes. Flying ants feed on food substances such as seeds, nectar, and edible items you’ve allowed to sit out in your home. Although they are certainly aggravating, flying ants will not damage your home in the same way as termites.

Get Help Controlling Your Pests

If you’re suffering a flying ant or termite infestation, then it’s important that you correct the situation as possible, which is why you need to work with the professionals at Gilstrap Exterminating.

Gilstrap Exterminating is a family-owned, family run business that is ready to fulfill your pest control and termite control needs. We can tell you what insects are affecting your home and can help you get rid of them quickly and easily. Contact us today.

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